News Archive - 25 April 2021

Zionist plots in Quds to get nowhere: Hamas

 In a statement on Sunday, the Palestinian resistance movement Hamas strongly condemned the recent attacks against Palestinian worshipers during the holy fasting month of Ramadan in holy Quds, admiring the exemplary resistance of the holy Quds residents against the zionist occupiers. "The people of Al-Quds proved once again to the world that Al-Quds...

Gen. Salami stresses IRGC's full support in fighting Covid-19

Commander-in-Chief of the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) Major General Hossein Salami made the comments in IRGC Imam Reza Base on Sunday.  General Salami called the fight against the Covid-19 pandemic a real battle, saying that the IRGC could win in the wars so far by putting utmost efforts. He said...

Iron Dome or spider’s web; what Dimona missile incident means

A powerful explosion rocked a sensitive Israeli missile factory named Tomer on Tuesday during a test for advanced weapons, according to reports by Israeli news outlets 22 hours later.  Around 1:30 AM Thursday, it was reported that a missile had hit near the occupying regime’s top-secret military nuclear facility...

65 Taliban members killed in 4 Afghanistan's provinces

According to the statement of Afghan Ministry of Defense, 65 Taliban members were killed and 13 others were wounded in Ghazni, Zabul, Maidan Wardag and Badghis provinces. A number of Taliban members were killed and wounded in airstrikes and a number of others during clashes with army forces, the statement added. As efforts...

Prepare missiles to target vital Zionist facilities

Occupied Quds has been witnessing fierce clashes between Palestinians and Israeli forces for several nights, and dozens of Palestinians have been injured so far. The Palestinian Islamic Resistance Movement (Hamas) issued an official statement in this regard, emphasizing the greater solidarity and unity among all groups. It also called on the Resistance...

US convoy targeted in Iraq's Al-Anbar province

A US coalition logistics convoy was targeted by a roadside bomb in the western Iraqi province of Al-Anbar today. There has been no report on the amount of damage to the US convoy so far and no group has yet claimed responsibility. In recent months, convoys carrying logistics equipment for...

US, NATO begin troop withdrawal from Afghanistan

Miller added that the military will eventually hand over all their bases to Afghan forces, Sputnik reported. "We have started withdrawing from a number of bases ... Even if Afghanistan has access to a peace agreement, we have been told to leave", Miller said at the press conference. The announcement comes...

Zionist minister orders military to remain on alert

According to the Zionist media on Sunday, the office of the regime's war minister Benny Gantz announced that he had ordered the military to remain on alert. The regime's war minister's decree came after the Resistance groups fired rockets at Israeli settlements around the Gaza Strip in response to Zionist settlers' atrocities against...

Putin, Biden may meet in June

Citing a Kremlin aide, Russia's RIA Novosti news agency informed the news on Sunday. In mid-April and in a call to discuss issues facing the United States and Russia amid growing tensions in Ukraine,  Biden suggested meeting the Russian President “in a third country” in the coming months. The official readout of the...

Yemeni army, Ansarullah forces make progress on Ma’rib

The Houthi forces in Yemen have made important progress towards the strategic city of Ma’rib. In the latest clashes, 65 people have been killed on both sides. The Yemeni army and Ansarullah forces have taken full control of the northwest Kassara battlefront and made progress on western frontlines despite airstrikes...

Cubans participate in caravan protest against US blockade

People in the named territories toured the main streets on bicycles, skates, and motorcycles, Plenglish reported. The Cuban family on the march 'against the longest genocidal blockade in history that seeks to surrender an entire people by hunger and needs,' Diosvany Acosta, first secretary of the Cuban Young Communist League...

Tehran ready to help New Delhi overcome deadly Covid pandemic

Addressing Indian health Minister Harsh Vardhan in a message, the Iranian health minister saeed Namaki expressed Iran’s regret over the increasing death toll of the Covid-19. Coronavirus pandemic will be controlled and managed through empathy, cooperation and assistance of all countries, he said, adding, “Such a thing is possible in the...

Kata'ib Hezbollah calls on Al-Kadhimi to resign

According to media reports, at least 82 people were killed and more than 100 injured in a fire that broke out in the coronavirus intensive care unit of a Baghdad hospital. The opposition groups have accused Prime Minister Mustafa Al-Kadhimi's government of widespread corruption and mismanagement as the reason beyond the...

Cooling Tower Selection Tips

Read on to find the answers to your questions on price, technical specifications, and the best cubic and round cooling towers on the market. Broadly speaking, the cooling tower is tasked with cooling the water circulating the condenser in air conditioning systems, industrial processes, power plants, refineries, and other industries. The tower cools...

Syrian official denies attack on Iranian ship in Banyas

A Syrian military official has denied any military operations against the damaged oil tanker in an interview with the Iranian Nour News Agency, saying that after the investigation by the experts' team is completed, the officials will amend the previously published news about the incident. He noted that three workers who were welding...

Iran to host Asian taekwondo competitions in September

The Iranian Taekwondo Federation said in a statement on Sunday that after following up on the date of the Asian taekwondo clubs, open, and Fajr competitions, it was decided that those events will be hosted by Iran from September 15 -22, 2021. Iran Taekwondo Federation succeeded in gaining the approval of the Asian Taekwondo Union...

Zionist Israeli delegation to depart for DC for talks on Iran

A high-level Israeli regime's delegation will travel to Washington to voice objection to the US return to the Iran nuclear deal, but not to hold talks on the details, Israeli media have reported. According to the Times of Israel, the delegation will be headed by Mossad chief Yossi Cohen and National Security...

Iran-Turkey Joint Economic Coop. Commission to convene

This meeting will be held in the presence of Chairpersons of Iran-Turkey Joint Economic Cooperation Commission Mahmoud Vaezi Iranian President’s Chief of Staff and also Turkish Minister of Energy and Natural Resources through videoconference. According to the Secretariat of Iran-Turkey Joint Economic Cooperation Commission, the two sides reviewed the latest...

IPHRC welcomes Iran's human rights suggestions

IPHRC, which is an independent body of the Organisation of Islamic Cooperation (OIC), held its 7th meeting online hosted by Saudi Arabia. The participants discussed women's human rights, children's rights, development rights, combating Islamophobia as well as the human rights situation of Muslim minorities in non-member countries, the situation of Muslims in...

Iran presidential election to definitely be held in due date

Both the government and Interior Ministry have no plans to postpone the election date and the elections will be held on June 18 according to the announced timetable, the deputy minister of interior added. Turning to some speculations on the postponement of Iran’s 2021 Presidential Election, he stated, “Given the...

'Seven Years Minus 10 Days' to vie at Hollywood Silver Screen

Produced and Directed by Hamid Nouri, 'Seven Years Minus 10 Days' has been selected to vie at the Hollywood Silver Screen Festival with thirteen films from other countries. The synopsis of the short film read, "Leila's husband has banned her from visiting her 7-year-old son due to divorce and immigration. Leila, who...

FM Zarif meets with Qatari counterpart in Doha

Zarif arrived in Doha earlier today (Sunday) as part of the two-nation tour to Qatar and Iraq to meet and discuss bilateral relations and regional and international issues with those two countries' high-ranking officials. According to a statement by the Iranian Foreign Ministry, in the meeting which was held this evening, Zarif...

Resistance forces have grown strong today like never before

Iranian Defense Minister Brigadier General Amir Hatami made the comments today during a ceremony to commemorate the IRGC Quds Force second-in-command General Seyyed Mohammad Hejazi, who passed away last Sunday. He hailed the important role that Martyrs Qassem Soleimani and Hejazi played in the fight the Takfiris in Iraq and Syria and said "Had it...

Davoudi wins gold at Asian weightlifting championships

Lifting 196 kg in snatch, he won the gold medal while weightlifters from Syria and Japan finished second and third respectively. The rescheduled 2020 Asian Weightlifting Championships (AWC) are taking place in Tashkent, Uzbekistan, from April 16-25, 2021. Davoudi, 22 years old, had won a gold medal at the 2016...

Iran becomes self-sufficient in benzene production

Iran will no longer need any imports of benzene as one of the Iranian petrochemical companies has now met the domestic needs, according to a statement by the Iranian Oil Ministry. According to Oil Ministry's official website,  Bu Ali Sina Petrochemical Company, the aromatic complex succeeded in producing more than 100%...

No step-by-step plan raised in Vienna talks: Deputy FM

Speaking at the end of meeting of Parliament’s National Security and Foreign Policy Commission on Sunday, Seyyed Abbas Araghchi pointed to the possibility of implementation of step-by-step plan in Vienna talks and added that the step-by-step plan has long been set aside. There were ideas for a step-by-step return of...

Iran to produce ‘Sputnik V’ vaccine by next month: Official

Iran’s import of products from Russia exceeds Iran’s export of products to this country, he said and added, “Accordingly, Iran has no any blocked money in the Russian Federation.” In addition, head of the Information Center of the Ministry of Health announced that Islamic Republic of Iran will release...

'Only JCPOA-related sanctions will be lifted'

Addressing a meeting with MPs on Sunday, Araghchi said that the United States and the 4+1 have agreed to lift only air, sea, banking, and insurance anti-Iranian sanctions, MP Shahriyar Heidari said. The MP said that, "During the meeting [between Araghchi and the MPs], Araqchi presented a report on the details...

Indian variant of Covid-19 not still detected in Iran

"This virus has not been seen in Iran yet, but we have to wait for its arrival," the Head of Iran's Health Ministry Public Relations Office Kianoush Jahanpour said on Sunday afternoon. He explained more that no case has still been detected in the county. KI/IRINN815440...

Palestinians demonstrate in support of Al-Aqsa in Gaza Strip

Recent reports indicate that since the beginning of the Palestinian intifada in occupied Jerusalem since the beginning of the holy month of Ramadan, 750 Palestinians have been severely wounded by Zionist militants, and more than 100 people have also been arrested so far in the clashes. For several consecutive nights,...

'King Khalid' base targeted by Yemeni drone

Arab media reported on Sunday morning that the Yemeni Armed Forces had launched a drone operation against the Saudi coalition. A suicide drone was fired by Yemeni forces in southern Saudi Arabia, Sky News reported, citing a spokesman for the Saudi coalition. An hour later, Yemeni Armed Forces spokesman  Brigadier General Yahya...

Turkey summons US envoy over Biden statement

Washington's ambassador to Ankara was summoned to the Turkish Foreign Ministry following the US President Joe Biden’s recognition of the "Armenian genocide." The Turkish Foreign Ministry summoned US Ambassador to Turkey David Satterfield to protest US decision in this regard. While condemning the US statement, Turkish Foreign Ministry said,...

African Union urges end to military rule in Chad

The army immediately announced that Idriss Déby's son would head a military council for 18 months before elections were held. Former colonial power France, which has a large military base in Chad, appeared to back the takeover for "stability" amid "exceptional circumstances". Opposition parties have also condemned what they called...

Armenian PM steps down to trigger snap parliamentary election

Armenian PM Nikol Pashinyan said in an address he will step down to trigger snap parliamentary elections. He will still carry out the responsibilities of the head of government, Public Radio of Armenia reported. “The parliamentary elections are possible only in the event the Prime Minister resigns and the National Assembly...

Huge explosions hit Saudi coalition base in Ma'rib (+VIDEO)

According to Al-Khabar Al-Yemeni, the explosions are most likely the result of a missile attack by the Yemeni army and popular committees on the military base. Meanwhile, local sources say the clashes around the base are intense and that the Yemeni army and Ansarullah forces have taken control of the base.

6 people killed by US police within 24 hours of Floyd verdict

Even as the Derek Chauvin case was fresh in memory — the reading of the verdict in a Minneapolis courtroom, the shackling of the former police officer, the jubilation at what many saw as justice in the death of George Floyd — even then, blood flowed on America’s streets, Associated...

Shahrdari Gorgan wins title with an exceptional buzzer beater

The Gorgan-based team had already gained two wins against the most decorated Iranian team Mahram in the final round and needed one more victory to bring home the title. The Saturday match held in Tehran was very close but the most dramatic moment came just one second remaining to the...

Global cooperation imperative to end coronavirus tragedy

In a tweet on late Saturday, Zarif wrote, "Iran stands in solidarity with India as she braves one of worst episodes of disastrous pandemic, which has become humanity's #CommonPain. " "Our condolences to bereaved families & prayers for speedy recovery of all afflicted," he added. "Global coop imperative to end...

US medical terrorism prevented global corona vaccination

In reaction to the role of illegal and unilateral US sanctions against Iran, as well as the Zionist regime's brutal actions against the Palestinian people, Mohammad Javad Zarif in a tweet on Sunday wrote, "Global COVID-19 pandemic should've had a global vaccination response. But many have been left to fend for themselves,...

Headlines of Iranian Persian dailies on April 25

Etela’at: Resistance responds to Zionist Regime invasion with 36 rockets Iran becomes world's 10th largest steelmaker Iran: Iran mulls over establishing long-term coop. with China, Russia, Afghanistan, Iraq Javan: Palestinians respond to Zionist invaders with missiles Jumhuri-e Eslami: White House: US return to JCPOA not to be changed by Zionists...

How 'Tabas miracle' downed a US democrat president

The United States launched a covert military operation, known as Operation Eagle Claw on April 24, 1980, to airlift the US embassy staff held in the Iranian capital of Tehran. The operation was aborted after the forces faced various obstacles and what eventually happened in Tabas Desert. US forces were...

Coal concentrate output volume at 8% growth in 2020: IMIDRO

According to the statistics, two major companies affiliated to IMIDRO managed to produce 715,830 tons of coal concentrate in the country during 12 months of the last Iranian calendar year in 1399 (from March 21, 2020 to March 20, 2021). In addition, the country produced 664,568 tons of coal concentrate...

Baghdad hospital fire kills dozens of Covid patients+ video

The fire at the Ibn Khatib hospital in the Iraqi capital was sparked by an accident that caused an oxygen tank to explode, according to medical sources cited by the Reuters news agency and AFP, Aljazeera reported. The flames spread quickly, according to civil defense officials, as “the hospital had no...

New defense, combat achievements unveiled by Iran Army

In a ceremony held on Sunday morning in the presence of the Deputy Coordinator of the Islamic Republic of Iran's Army Rear Admiral Habibollah Sayyari, 7 new defense and combat achievements of the Army were unveiled. Radar Waves Warning Installed on UAV: This achievement has the ability to detect and disrupt air surveillance...

Iran COVID-19 update: 19,165 cases, 454 deaths

Health Ministry informed of 454 new victims, the country's total COVID-19 deaths mounted to 69,574 on Sunday. Over the last 24 hours, 19,165 new cases of COVID-19 infection have been discovered, with 3,019 of them being hospitalized. 1,877,517 patients have recovered or been discharged from hospitals out of a total of 2,396,204 infected people.

Persepolis team to be quarantined upon arrival from India

Minister Saeed Namaki said that the team will be quarantined and be tested for Covid-19 infection due to the new "double mutant" variant of the coronavirus that has been detected from samples collected in India. Perspolis' 50-member delegation is now in Goa, India to participate in the AFC Champions League group...

Recent, scheduled moves to bring Zionists to their sense

The malicious moves taken in the last few days and future moves that certainly endanger the interests of the Zionist regime will suberize them. Speaking on the sidelines of the commemoration ceremony of former IRGC Deputy Commander Martyr Brigadier General Hejazi on Sunday, Major General Mohammad Bagheri said that Zionists...

Police confiscate 1.226 tons drugs in Tehran

Tehran Police Chief  Brigadier General Hossein Rahimi broke the news on Sunday, saying that during the operation, 4 drug-smuggling gangs were dismantled, 35 major smugglers were arrested and 38 vehicles, including trucks, cars and motorcycles, were seized. Thirty-eight thugs were arrested on charges of extortion, robbery, drug trafficking, harassment, stabbing, and assault, he added.

Sincere assistance maneuver in Mazandaran

SARI, Apr. 26 (MNA) – 10,000 livelihood foodstuff packages and 85 dowries were prepared by IRGC and distributed among the needy and underprivileged people in Mazandaran.

100-bed field hospital for Covid patients inaugurated by Army

ISFAHAN, Apr. 25 (MNA) – On Saturday evening, a 100-bed field hospital for Covid-19 patients was inaugurated in the Isfahan Province by Iran Army.  ...

Third clinical trial phase of Iranian-made Cov-19 vaccine

TEHRAN, Apr. 25 (MNA) – The third clinical trial phase of COV Iran Barakat to fight the Covid-19 pandemic began on Sunday with Minoo Mahraz, who is leading the research team working on the vaccine receiving it first.       ...

Tehran in Ramadan

TEHRAN, Apr. 25 (MNA) – People in Tehran are preserving Ramadan rituals amid the pandemic.     ...