UAE seeking to infiltrate Iraqi security agencies

UAE seeking to infiltrate Iraqi security agencies
Mehr News
Mehr News - March 17th, 2021

Iraqi security analyst Sabah al-Akili said on Tuesday that Tahnoun bin Zayed, the brother of the current UAE caliph and UAE national security adviser, seeks to infiltrate the Iraqi security organizations in order to destabilize the country and cause a delay in early elections.

He went on to say that the UAE government has taken a hostile stance against Iraq since 2003, adding that based on the information gathered by its National Security Adviser, UAE has been struggling to provoke protest in Iraq by supporting a number of security and political activists.

"The UAE's intelligence activities are aimed at maintaining the unstable political and security situation in Iraq by supporting the parties affiliated with the protesters, inciting protests, and continuing to prevent early elections," he noted.

MNA/FNA 13991226000743

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