EU3 issue joint statement on Iran nuclear enrichment activity

EU3 issue joint statement on Iran nuclear enrichment activity
Mehr News
Mehr News - August 20th, 2021

The European Troika involved in JCPOA talks (including France, Britain and Germany) in a joint statement on Thu., regarding International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA)’s recent report that Iran has increased uranium enrichment, expressed their major concern, Reuters reported.

They claimed that Iran's move is tantamount to a serious violation of its obligations under 2015 nuclear deal (JCPOA)!

“Iran must stop its activities that violate JCPOA without any delay. We urge Iran to return to Vienna talks as soon as possible with the prospect of a successful outcome. We have said many times that time is not in the interest of either side,” the statement is read.

The International Atomic Energy Agency in its latest report claimed that Iran had previously used a 164-cascade of IR-6 centrifuges to enrich uranium to 60 percent in Natanz, but now in addition to the 164-cascade, a total of 153 of IR-4 centrifuges are also used for up to 60% enrichment.

The claim of European troika came as spokesperson of the Iranian Foreign Ministry reacted to the latest IAEA report, noting that the nuclear programs and actions of Iran are in full compliance with the Nonproliferation Treaty (NPT) and Iran's commitments.

Saeed Khatibzaded said, "Iran's compensatory JCPOA measures have been within the framework of the nuclear deal."

"The scaling down procedure has been in response to the widespread violation of the JCPOA and Resolution 2231 by the United States and the non-full compliance of other JCPOA parties, especially the three European countries, to their obligations," he added.

He underlined that Iran will pursue its peaceful nuclear program solely on the basis of the needs and decisions of its government and within the framework of its safeguard obligations as far as the US and other parties refuse to fully comply with their JCPOA obligations.

He assured that in case the other parties return to their obligations under the JCPOA and Washington fully and effectively lifts unilateral and illegal sanctions against the Iranian people, Iran will return its compensatory measures.

The UN nuclear watchdog said in a report to member states on Monday seen by Reuters, that Iran has made progress in its work on enriched uranium metal despite Western warnings that such work threatens talks on reviving the Iran nuclear deal.

"On 14 August 2021, the Agency verified ... that Iran had used 257 g of uranium enriched up to 20% U-235 in the form of UF4 (uranium tetrafluoride) to produce 200 g of uranium metal-enriched up to 20% U-235," the International Atomic Energy Agency claimed, adding that this was step three in a four-step plan by Iran. The fourth includes producing a reactor fuel plate.


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