Iran's peaceful nuclear capability must be Sword of Damocles

Iran's peaceful nuclear capability must be Sword of Damocles
Mehr News
Mehr News - February 22nd, 2022

"The peaceful capability of Iran's nuclear program must always remain like the Sword of Damocles above the heads of the disloyal [states] to act as a real guarantee to abide them by their obligations," the Secretary of Iran’s Supreme National Security Council (SNSC) Admiral Shmakhani wrote in a post on his Twitter account on Tuesday.

The eighth round of talks on the removal of the anti-Iran sanctions in Vienna began on December 27 and has proven to be one of the lengthiest rounds of talks so far. Most negotiating teams say that negotiations have reached a final stage and an agreement is within reach. The talks are now in a situation where its success or failure hinges on the political decisions on the part of the Western parties.

Iran has put its clear proposals and demands on the remaining issues on the table and says that the ball is in western parties' court.

Iran demands the removal of all sanctions all at once and guarantees that the US would not abandon the deal again to return to full abidance by the nuclear deal known as the JCPOA while the Western sides are yet to decide to abide by their commitments under the accord.


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