"IAEA is held hostage by Israeli regime": AEOI chief

"IAEA is held hostage by Israeli regime": AEOI chief
Mehr News
Mehr News - June 9th, 2022

In an interview with the national Iranian TV last night (Thursday night), the head of Iran's Atomic Energy Organization (AEOI), Mohammad Eslami pointed to the anti-Iran resolution which was passed at the IAEA Board of Govenors on Wednesday and said that "In the last 20 years, all the methods, behaviors, psychological operations, sanctions, and resolutions that they have excercised and imposed have been in line with the policy of stopping the Islamic Republic of Iran."

Eslami said that the Islamic Republic of Iran accepted the JCPOA to reduce the pace of its nuclear program in 2015 to build trust, noting that all the JCPOA obligations that Iran accepted were in contrast to the IAEA mission.

The AEOI head said that about the Zionist Israeli regime's claim about Iran's nuclear program and its abidance by the IAEA regulations that, "It is regrettable that an international institution has been exploited by an illegitimate regime and its reputation has been tarnished."

He added that Iran's goodwill in the JCPOA was never respected, stressing that "We don't look for adventurous operations. We have officially announced what our nuclear program is according to the IAEA charter, the IAEA has a duty to assist countries in developing their nuclear programs."

Eslami went on to point out that "The IAEA is held hostage by Israeli regime."

Regarding the recent AEOI move in disconnecting the IAEA's surveillance cameras that were installed beyond the Safeguards Agreement, he said, "We kept the recordings of the cameras installed in accordance with the JCPOA to show our goodwill, but now that false and unacceptable accusations have been made [against Tehran], the recent decision made."

He added that "As regards the alleged undisclosed sites, although they declared that the case of Jaber Ibn Hayyan was closed, they checked Jaber Ibn Hayyan once every three months. They saw the metal uranium plate which they were looking in Jaber Ibn Hayyan."

This item is being updated...


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