Iran welcomes Yemeni peace initiative

Iran welcomes Yemeni peace initiative
Mehr News
Mehr News - March 29th, 2022

Welcoming the peace initiative in the form of a temporary 3-day cessation of attacks on Saudi Arabia recently announced by the President of the Supreme Political Council of Yemen, Khatibzadeh said, "The plan that Sana'a in good faith has presented contains a strong message about its firm resolve to end the war, lift the oppressive blockade on the people and resolve the crisis in Yemen politically, and if it is treated seriously and positively, it can pave the way for an end to the ongoing war."

Khatibzadeh went on to say that Iran hopes the Yemen war to come to an end by prioritizing humanitarian issues and promoting the exchange of prisoners as the Holy Month of Ramadan approches.

President of the Supreme Political Council of Yemen Mahdi al-Mashat Saturday announced a three-day cessation of attacks after a wave of drone and missile attacks against Saudi Arabia.

Al-Mashat noted Yemen is waiting for a positive response to the move and calls on the Saudi and UAE-led aggressor military coalition to stop all the actions that hinder peace.

The statement came a day after a wave of drone and missile attacks hit targets across Saudi Arabia, including an oil plant near the Formula One race in Jeddah, triggering an inferno.

Saudi Arabia, along with the United Arab Emirates (UAE) and with the green light of the United States and Western countries, carried out comprehensive attacks on Yemen since March 26, 2015, to prevent Ansarullah of Yemen from coming to power in the country.


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