Iran producing 9 grams of 60% enriched uranium in an hour

Iran producing 9 grams of 60% enriched uranium in an hour
Mehr News
Mehr News - April 16th, 2021

Referring to the measure taken by Iranian scientists over achieving 60% uranium enrichment, The AEOI Chief Ali-Akbar Salehi said that it was a great step to implement parliament’s law dubbed as the Strategic Action Plan to Counter Sanctions approved last December.

“It was Wednesday that we ordered 60% enrichment and it was 00:40 local time on the Friday morning when 60% enriched uranium was produced at the Site of Shahid Mostafa Ahmadi-Roshan”, he said.

According to Salehi, currently, 9 grams of 60% enriched uranium is being produced per hour and 20% enriched uranium will also be produced at the same time.

"We can produce uranium with any level of purity if needed", he also stressed.

Elsewhere in his remarks, he reacted to some baseless rumors over nuclear pollution at Natanz nuclear site, saying, “There is no pollution there, if there was pollution, we would not let our loved ones work there.”

“On the other hand, if there was pollution in Natanz, the inspectors would not have visited it, and on this basis, we completely reject these claims.”

"Enrichment has not been stopped in Natanz for a moment and it will continue vigorously”, he said in reaction to the rumors that enrichment has been stopped in Natanz.


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