Iran calls on occupiers to leave Syria with no precondition

Iran calls on occupiers to leave Syria with no precondition
Mehr News
Mehr News - January 27th, 2022

Speaking in a session of the UN Security Council on “Reviewing Political Developments in Syria” on Wednesday, Majid Takht-Ravanchi stated that all occupying forces and uninvited foreigners have to exit Syria with no preconditions and no delay.

The Iranian envoy underlined that Syria’s territorial integrity and national sovereignty are still violated through occupation and the Zionist regime of Israel’s and terrorists’ aggression.

Syrian people’s problems are due to occupation, aggression, and illegal and inhuman sanctions imposed by the US and the European countries that still continue, the Iranian ambassador stressed.

The Syria crisis should be resolved through peaceful ways under the principles of the international rights and with respect to the country’s territorial integrity and national sovereignty, he added.


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