Briefing on Iran’s daily developments

Briefing on Iran’s daily developments
Mehr News
Mehr News - April 17th, 2021

Iran producing 9 grams of 60% enriched uranium in an hour

According to the AEOI Chief Ali-Akbar Salehi, currently, 9 grams of 60% enriched uranium is being produced per hour and 20% enriched uranium will also be produced at the same time.

Referring to the measure taken by Iranian scientists over achieving 60% uranium enrichment, The AEOI Chief Ali-Akbar Salehi said that it was a great step to implement parliament’s law dubbed as the Strategic Action Plan to Counter Sanctions approved last December.

Iran-China strategic coop. a threat to West's core interests

Iran's envoy to Beijing says Westerners consider the establishment of a long-term strategic and friendly relationship between China and other independent countries like Iran a threat to their core interests in the region.

Iran COVID-19 update: 25,261 cases, 328 deaths

The total number of people infected with the coronavirus in Iran during the last 24 hours has reached 25,261 as some 328 more Iranians have died from the disease, the Health Ministry said.

Health Ministry spokeswoman Sima Lari said during the daily COVID-19 briefing on Friday that with the 328 new victims, the country's total COVID-19 deaths mounted to 66,008.

Over the last 24 hours, 25,261 new cases of COVID-19 infection have been discovered, with 3,207 of them being hospitalized, she said.

60% uranium enrichment obtained by Iranian scientists

Iranian Parliament Speaker broke the news on Friday, saying that Iranian scientists managed to obtain 60% uranium enrichment.

Iranian Parliament Speaker Mohammad Bagher Ghalibaf took to Twitter to say, “I am proud to announce that last night, at 00:40 local time, Iranian scientists managed to obtain 60% uranium enrichment.”

Iranian diplomats only negotiate over 'national interests'

“Today, we only negotiate to achieve national goals of the Iranian nation”, the Iranian top diplomat said and added, "Negotiating on the previously held nuclear negotiations is a failed experience."

Referring to the firm stance of the Leader of the Islamic Revolution towards nuclear negotiations, Iranian Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif said in a post in his Instagram account, “Negotiation is a powerful and legitimate tool for solving the problems and move forward the best things in the future.”


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