Activation of JCPOA subject to lifting of sanctions by US

Activation of JCPOA subject to lifting of sanctions by US
Mehr News
Mehr News - March 7th, 2021

Rouhani made the remarks in his meeting with  Irish Foreign Minister Simon Coveney on Sunday.

Announcing Iran's readiness to cooperate with international institutions to resolve regional crises, the Iranian President said, "The best way to resolve problems with European partners at various bilateral, regional and international levels is to hold talks based on mutual respect and to avoid any threats and pressure."

He also pointed to the failure of US illegal sanctions and the maximum pressure on the Iranian people and the confession of the new government officials to this issue, saying, "Activation of the JCPOA as a multilateral international agreement is subject to the lifting of sanctions by the United States and the fulfillment of the full obligations of all members."

Criticizing Europe's inaction on the JCPOA commitments, Rouhani added, "The Islamic Republic of Iran is committed to the JCPOA and its preservation and is the only party that has paid for it, but this situation can not continue and the full implementation of UN Security Council Resolution 2231 by all members of the JCPOA participants is necessary to preserve it."

Referring to the measures taken by Iran to stop the implementation of the Additional Protocol based on the resolution of the Iranian Parliament, President said, "Despite the suspension of the Additional Protocol, Iran remains committed to cooperating with the International Atomic Energy Agency in fulfilling its obligations under the agreement."

"Iran is ready to take immediate compensatory measures in accordance with the provisions of the JCPOA and to fulfill its obligations after the lifting of illegal US sanctions and leaving the policy of intimidation and pressure," the Iranian President highlighted.

Rouhani also called for the development and deepening of Tehran-Dublin relations in all fields, especially economic and trade relations.

Emphasizing the use of all existing capacities in this field, he stated, "The two countries have a lot of unused capacities in all dimensions that should be tried to use."

Irish Foreign Minister Simon Coveney, for his part, pointed to the role of this country as a non-permanent member of the UN Security Council for the next 2 years and the position of facilitator in the implementation of the JCPOA and UN Resolution 2231, saying, "Trump's withdrawal from the JCPOA agreement was a historic mistake, and the new US administration is determined to return to the deal."

Stating that Ireland considers the JCPOA as an international agreement very valuable for peace, he added, "We will do our best to maintain the JCPOA and we are ready to play any role that can help to improve the situation and start the dialogue of all members of the deal."

"With the new conditions, there is a good opportunity for negotiation and dialogue, which we should use as a requirement for all members to implement the JCPOA," Coveney said referring to the changes in the US administration.

Irish Foreign Minister Simon Coveney is also scheduled to meet with his Iranian counterpart Mohammad Javad Zarif.


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