Israeli regime spearheads anti-Iran resolution at IAEA BoG

Israeli regime spearheads anti-Iran resolution at IAEA BoG
Mehr News
Mehr News - June 8th, 2022

The head of Iran's Atomic Energy Organization (AEOI), Mohammad Eslami said on Wednesday that the US and the three European countries' move to submit an anti-Iran draft resolution to the IAEA Board of Governors, was a political move and in line with the Trump-era Maximum Pressure Campaign.

Mohammad Eslami further noted the Zionist regime is supporting and leading the political moves at the IAEA to get the anti-Iran resolution apporved.

Referring to decade-old allegations related to Iran's nuclear activities, Eslami said that dismissing these allegations was the basis for the singing of the JCPOA.

The Islamic Republic of Iran accepted JCPOA to build trust, he stressed.

Saying that the country has always acted in line with the IAEA rules and regulations, the AEOI chief explained that all of Iran's nuclear activities are under the supervision of the Agency.

He also spoke about Iran's good faith in JCPOA revival talks known as the Vienna talks, stating that if westerners do not live up to their commitments under the deal, Iran will also revise staying in the negotiations and its good faith.


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