US' return to JCPOA geopolitical necessity

US' return to JCPOA geopolitical necessity
Mehr News
Mehr News - April 5th, 2021

In his article published on the CGTN, Thomas O. Falk says, "The fact that Washington has displayed its proclivity – albeit reluctantly – to return to the negotiating table with Iran has significant implications for the world, but especially for the Middle East. The latter makes it all the more pivotal for the Biden administration to make the necessary concessions and take advantage of the opportunity to salvage the deal."

"In 2015, the JCPOA ended a 12-year crisis over Iran's nuclear program and, at the same time, fears and concerns that Tehran could become a nuclear power and thus a regional hegemon in the Middle East," he added.

He noted that: "Israel would not stand idly by while Iran becomes a nuclear power. Already it is conducting maneuvers with the United Arab Emirates."

Falk added that Biden Administration now has to clean up the chaos left by his predecessor and his approach of "maximum pressure".

"Washington should agree and make necessary concessions to make negotiations possible. For example, the U.S.

"Falk says, "The fact that Washington has displayed its proclivity – albeit reluctantly – to return to the negotiating table with Iran has significant implications for the world, but especially for the Middle East"could lift secondary sanctions against companies and institutions in other countries and end sanctions related to medical supplies and drugs," he suggested.

He continued: "In addition, Washington may show a willingness to release some of Iran's frozen accounts. However, in turn, it would be necessary for Iran to stop the development of new centrifuges or limit uranium enrichment as a sign of goodwill on its part."

"In view of the upcoming elections in Iran in June, the time is pressing for signals from Washington if it is serious about saving the deal. Particularly since, if the polls are to be believed, it could be much more challenging to negotiate with the next government in Iran."

The analyst added that: "Biden himself is under pressure as well, as a return to the JCPOA was a key election promise of his. Standing there empty-handed will not be a great first impression in his quest for "bringing America back" and "start leading again."


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Mehr News - April 5th, 2021