Díaz-Canel slams US for 'suffocating' Cuba's economy

Díaz-Canel slams US for 'suffocating' Cuba's economy
Mehr News
Mehr News - July 13th, 2021

The First Secretary of the Central Committee of the Party and President of Cuba, Miguel Díaz-Canel Bermudez appeared before Cuban public TV, from where he addressed the people.

During his statements, the Head of State denounced the participation of the US administration in the historic political destabilization actions that are taking place against Cuba, and which have intensified, particularly during the pandemic, according to a statement released by the Cuban embassy in Tehran.

He illustrated with concrete examples that occurred between 2020 and 2021, particularly difficult years in which the economic, commercial and financial blockade against the Island has been hardened to cruelty, with the purpose of suffocating the island's economy.

He added that the United States began to intensify the blockade with a series of restrictive measures of financial persecution against the energy sector with the aim of suffocating our economy and that this would provoke the longed-for massive social outbreak, which would sow the possibilities of calling for a humanitarian intervention that ends in military intervention and interference, and that affects the rights, sovereignty and independence of all peoples.

Then, he added, came the 243 measures imposed by the administration of Donald Trump, and then it was decided to include Cuba in a list of countries sponsors of terrorism, "a spurious, illegitimate and unilateral list that the United States government has adopted, believing themselves the emperors of the world ».

These restrictions led the country to immediately cut off various sources of foreign exchange income such as tourism, Cuban-American travel to our country, and remittances. A plan was made to discredit the Cuban medical brigades and the solidarity collaborations provided by Cuba, which received an important part of foreign exchange for that collaboration, he added.

He denounced that all this caused a situation of shortages in the country, especially of food, medicines, raw materials and supplies to be able to develop our economic and productive processes that at the same time pay taxes to exports.

"Two important elements are cut off: the ability to export and the ability to invest resources," he said.

He also listed the limitations on fuel and spare parts, which has caused a level of dissatisfaction, coupled with accumulated problems that we have not been able to solve and that came from the special period, which are linked to a fierce media campaign of discrediting such as part of the unconventional war that tries to fracture the unity between Party-State-People.

It tries to show the government as insufficient and incapable of providing well-being to the Cuban people and they intend to claim that with the government of the United States it is possible to aspire to the progress of a country like ours.

"These are hypocritical recipes, double standard speeches that we know very well throughout the history of the United States towards Cuba," he denounced.

Still, she adds, Cuba has managed to control the pandemic for more than a year, and develop five vaccine candidates.

The president made reference to two specific problems that have hit the country, one is energy, which has a direct impact on the electricity service in homes, and the other is that of medicines, in a scenario in which the sick and the sick have increased. therefore the consumption of medicines. He further added that we will have to move towards the home entry experience due to the current situation with COVID-19.

He strongly denounced that, in a very subtle way, those who have never opposed the blockade have now encouraged campaigns that seek to legitimize the idea that the Cuban government cannot control the pandemic.

What is the basis for the blockade? He says, while demanding the immediate elimination of it, which is the main problem that threatens the health and development of our people.

In San Antonio de los Baños, he says, a group of people gathered in one of the most central parks to claim, even revolutionary people who may be confused by the misinformation on social networks joined.

"We call on all revolutionaries to take to the streets to defend the Revolution in all places," said Díaz-Canel.

"The streets belong to the revolutionaries and the State has all the political will to dialogue, but also to participate, he added."We are not going to hand over the sovereignty, or the independence of this nation," he said"The streets belong to the revolutionaries and the State has all the political will to dialogue, but also to participate, he added.

"We are not going to hand over the sovereignty, or the independence of this nation," he said. They have to pass over our corpse if they want to overthrow the Revolution.

Cuban state TV reported riots in several cities, involving stores being destroyed. Prior to this, mass protests sparked in San Antonio de Los Banos, located 24 km south of Havana. Cuban President Miguel Dias-Canel traveled to the city and urged the defenders of the Cuban revolution to bring order to the streets and to thwart provocations against the authorities.


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