Iran-China deal only a roadmap for comprehensive coop.

Iran-China cooperation deal to benefit region: envoy to Syria
Mehr News
Mehr News - March 30th, 2021

Ali Rabei, the Iranian government spokesman, held his first press conference in this new Iranian year on Tuesday and responded to the ambiguities surrounding the comprehensive document of cooperation between Iran and China signed by the two nations' top diplomats in Tehran on Saturday.

He said, "The Ministry of Foreign Affairs has published a copy of what the two sides agreed upon and it contains all the topics, outlines and content of the agreement and it is easily accessible to everyone."

The government spokesman said the publication of the full text was conditioned on the agreement of the two parties, explaining "We have no reservations to publish it, but the Chinese side may do."

Rabei added, "This document is just a roadmap and does not contain any obligations for the parties." This is a general framework and capacity that must be completed over time through agreements in line with the common interests."

The government spokesman continued, "Accordingly, this document is not considered a treaty, contract or an international treaty, and according to this legal interpretation, it does not need the approval of the parliament; Obviously, if it is supposed to include executive aspects and specific legal dimensions, it will be presented to the parliament."

The government spokesman said Mr Biden had continued the Trump-era Maximum Pressure Campaign against Iran in a failed bid to force Iran to make concessions, adding that such behavior not only does not help rebuild the lost trust, but also casts doubt on the seriousness of the new US administration in returning to diplomacy.

He further pointed out that the US needs to lift the sanctions in practice.

"The new US administration has made no change to that uncivilized [Trump-era] approach," Rabei underscored.


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