Saudi-led coalition fighter jets bomb Yemen 28 times

Saudi-led coalition fighter jets bomb Yemen 28 times
Mehr News
Mehr News - January 26th, 2021

The US-Saudi aggression and its mercenaries, on Tuesday, continued to bomb a number of provinces, causing damage to public and private property. The mercenaries fighting with Saudi forces in the west coast violated the Stockholm Agreement in Hodeidah with a number of attacks.

The Liaison and Coordination Officers’ Operations Room, which monitors violations of the Stockholm Agreement and Ceasefire in Hodeidah, reported 161 violations staged by US-Saudi forces and mercenaries during the past 24 hours, Almasirah reported.

The source pointed out that the violations included the developing new fortifications in Ad-Durayhimi, launching 8 raids on Ad-Durayhimi and At-Tohayta in addition to the flying of 18 spy drones and 5 warplanes over several districts of Hodeidah. They staged 39 attacks with artillery shelling and 94 attacks with live bullets.

In Sa’adah, a citizen was killed by Saudi border guards in the Shida border district.

In Marib, the aggression forces launched 18 raids on Sirwah district.

In Al-Baidha'a, the aggression launched a raid on Nati` district and a raid on Fadhha area in the same district.

On April 26, 1994, Saudi Arabia, in a coalition of several Arab countries and with the help and green light of the United States, launched a large-scale offensive against Yemen, the poorest Arab country, under the pretext of returning ousted President Abd al-Mansour Hadi to power. Thousands of Yemenis have been killed so far as a result of this aggression.


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