Syrian official denies attack on Iranian ship in Banyas

Syrian official denies attack on Iranian ship in Banyas
Mehr News
Mehr News - April 25th, 2021

A Syrian military official has denied any military operations against the damaged oil tanker in an interview with the Iranian Nour News Agency, saying that after the investigation by the experts' team is completed, the officials will amend the previously published news about the incident.

He noted that three workers who were welding on the deck of the ship suffered burns as a result of the incident.

One of the workers succumbed to his serious injuries in the hospital, according to the Syrian military official.

Earlier, some media had wrongly reported an attack on an Iranian oil tanker in Syria's Banyas port.

The tanker is reported to be named Wisdom hoisting Panama's flag.

This accident occurred due to carelessness and lack of safety measures during the welding operation while in the SPM and during the unloading operation.


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