Iran, Syria to continue coop. until defeat of ISIL terrorism

Iran, Syria to continue coop. until defeat of ISIL terrorism
Mehr News
Mehr News - April 30th, 2022

Speaking in an interview with Lebanese Almanar TV, the Iranian Ambassador to Damascus said, "Syria and Iran have strategic relations in some areas. We have always sympathized with Syria, and this strategic relationship is based on our identity and common relations."

Referring to Iran's cooperation with Syria in the fight against terrorism, Sobhani said, "We have achieved a great achievement in the fight against terrorism, and this war is not over until the defeat of Takfiri terrorism."

Stressing that regional countries and Resistance groups are Iran's real allies, the Iranian diplomat noted that Tehran had never relied on any world power.

In another part of his interview, the Iranian ambassador spoke about the Yemeni people, saying that these people should determine their own destiny.

Sobhani also called on the aggressors to apologize for the crimes committed against the oppressed people of Yemen.

He also stressed that those who oppress the Yemeni people and deprive them of their rights must allow this nation to live in security and prosperity.

He concluded his remarks by referring to Iran's nuclear talks, saying, "The Zionist lobby and its regional mercenaries believe that the nuclear deal is an obstacle to their interests and that they will make every effort to prevent it from reaching a conclusion."

One of the reasons for the US delay in the nuclear talks is the fact that the Islamic Republic of Iran is not withdrawing its demands, he stressed.


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