Senior cleric slams US, Europe approach over quake in Syria

Senior cleric slams US, Europe approach over quake in Syria
Mehr News
Mehr News - February 17th, 2023

Stressing that the Turkey-Syria earthquake is a big test for other countries and the world community, Hojjatoleslam Mohammad Javad Haj Ali-Akbari stated that the world community has awfully failed this test.

What happened in Syria is a shame for the international community, Haj Ali-Akbari said, adding that the approach of the US and Europe regarding the situation in Syria revealed their evil inward.

"We hope that with the efforts of the nations of the region and the nation of Iran, the sufferings of the two dear nations of Turkey and Syria will be reduced," he emphasized.

Elsewhere in his remarks, the senior cleric touched upon the visit of Iranian President Ebrahim Raeisi to Beijing, saying that Raeisi's visit to China has national and regional impacts on both countries, as well as international and regional impacts, some of which can be seen right now and others will happen in the future.

"China is the undisputed global economic power in the near future, and having a joint strategic agreement with this country can help us," Haj Ali-Akbari stressed, adding that the issue of having a common enemy should also be used for joint cooperation and strengthening the security of both countries and the region.

Referring to 22 Bahman rallies, the senior cleric hailed the Iranian nation for gloriously marking the event and foiling the enemies' plots.


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