US using terrorists as tool to confront Russia

US using terrorists as tool to confront Russia
Mehr News
Mehr News - May 24th, 2022

"Nowadays, it is easier to say which of the largest international terrorist organizations did not emerge with the American assistance. The US widely uses them as an instrument of geopolitical confrontation, even with our country," Secretary of Russia’s Security Council Nikolay Patrushev said in an interview with the Argumenty I Fakty weekly commenting on a Western proposal to recognize Russia as a terrorist state, TASS reported.

The Security Council secretary used a proverb to describe the attempts by Western countries to accuse Russia of terrorism at the state level. "As they say, God marks the crook," he cited.

The official reiterated that as early as the mid-1980s, Al-Qaeda was created under the control of US intelligence to counteract the Soviet Union in Afghanistan.

Guided by its alleged ‘national interests,’ the US militarily deposed unwanted regimes in Libya, and Iraq, attempting to do so in Syria.

And the main strike force in all cases involved radical groups whose further unification led to the creation of a terrorist monster named ISIL that got out of the US control.

The official also stressed that "Washington’s warm relations with neo-Nazi thugs in Ukraine" are also well-known.


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