Nasrallah, Haniyeh discuss means to reach ‘decisive victory’

Nasrallah, Haniyeh discuss means to reach ‘decisive victory’
Mehr News
Mehr News - June 29th, 2021

Nasrallah received Haniyeh and the two leaders tackled the latest developments related to Resistance against the Israeli enemy in the region, Almanar reported.

Hezbollah’s Media Relations Office announced in a statement on Tuesday that Sayyed Nasrallah received the Palestinian Resistance leader along the accompanying delegation.

“During the meeting, the attendees broach with details the battle of Al-Quds Sword, its causes and occurrences, as well as its repercussions on the Palestinian, Arabic and Islamic levels,” Hezbollah Media Relations said in the statement.

Sayyed Nasrallah and the Palestinian delegation discussed ways to invest the victory in Palestine through “utilizing all capabilities in a bid to reach the final and decisive victory,” the statement added.

The two sides stressed the strength of the brotherly relations between the two Resistance groups and its importance on the consistency of the Axis of Resistance.


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