No limits for developing Iran-Nicaragua relations

No limits for developing Iran-Nicaragua relations
Mehr News
Mehr News - February 3rd, 2023

Iranian Foreign Minister Hossein Amir-Abdollahian, during the second day of his visit to Managua, met with Nicaraguan president Daniel Ortega.

Saying that these days Iran is celebrating the anniversary of the Islamic Revolution victory, Amir-Abdollahian told Daniel Ortega, "The Islamic Revolution of Iran and the Nicaragua Sandinista Revolution both occurred in the same year, and we are proud that Nicaragua has fought against imperialism and colonial pressure in the past decades."

Saying that Tehran has stood against the United States pressure and excessive demands, the Iranian foreign minister added that Iran has enjoyed great progress since the victory of the Islamic Revolution.

"The sanctions of the United States and several western countries have created problems and disturbances for Iran, but we have achieved great progress during this period, which is a valuable experience for our country," he stated, adding that former US president Donald Trump tried to prevent Iran's oil exports by imposing cruel sanctions but Iran managed to make the sanctions ineffective.

"We consider the progress of Nicaragua as the progress of the region," Amir-Abdollahian said elsewhere in his remarks, adding that Iran has no limits  for developing relations with Nicaragua.

Referring to the Vienna negotiations on removal of anti-Iran sanctions between Iran and the world major powers, the top Iranian diplomat stated that the American side still wants to negotiate with Iran, adding that Iran has never left the talks.

"At the negotiating table, we seek the national interests of our country ..." he noted.

Saying that a visit of the Iranian president to Latin America is on the Agenda, Amir-Abdollahian said that President Raeisi has invited Ortega and his wife to visit Tehran.

Ortega, for his part, said, "We have a common enemy, the enemy that you fought and defeated in 1979, the same enemy that we fought in Nicaragua and defeated in the same year."

Imperialism continues ithe same policies and the world can see its terrorist actions, Ortega called on the UN chief and the organizations' human rights institutions to unite to confront this process.

"The path of the future is clear and the domination of imperialism cannot continue in the world any longer," he added.

The top Iranian diplomat also held a meeting with Gustavo Porras, Speaker of the House of Representatives of Nicaragua before leaving for Venezuela.


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