Saudis violate ceasefire in Yemen 185 times in one day

Saudis violate ceasefire in Yemen 185 times in one day
Mehr News
Mehr News - March 28th, 2022

Saudi coalition fighterjets have bombed several areas of Yemen over the past hours, even though Yemen has announced a unilateral 3-day cessation of attacks on Saudi aggressors.

This is while the President of the Supreme Political Council of Yemen Mahdi al-Mashat on Sunday said that all ground, air and naval operations targeting Saudi Arabia would be suspended for three days.

Meanwhile, the head of the Yemeni Prisoners Committee announced that Yemen and Saudi Arabia have made an agreement on exchanging prisoners.

According to the agreement, 1,400 prisoners of war from the Yemeni army and popular committees will be released in exchange for the release of 823 prisoners, including 16 Saudi prisoners.

Among the Saudi-backed prisoners are the brother of the ousted former president Mansour Hadi, Naser, and previous Hadi regime's former defense minister General Mahmoud al-Subaihi.

Saudi Arabia, along with the United Arab Emirates (UAE) and with the green light of the United States and Western countries, carried out comprehensive attacks on Yemen since March 26, 2015, to prevent Ansarullah of Yemen from coming to power in the country.


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