Berlin says reaching agreement in Vienna depends on Iran

Berlin says reaching agreement in Vienna depends on Iran
Mehr News
Mehr News - February 7th, 2022

Answering a question about the time of reaching an agreement in Vienna talks which is underway between Iran and P4+1 in the Austrian capital, Olaf Scholz in an interview with Washington Post said, " It depends on Iran. We gave them a clear message that now is the time for decisions and for progress, and not for prolonging the process. We will not accept the ability of Iran of having a nuclear bomb that can be used. This is the decisive moment, and we hope that they will use the chance. We have not too much time left.

"Answering a question about the time of reaching an agreement in Vienna talks which is underway between Iran and P4+1 in the Austrian capital, Olaf Scholz in an interview with Washington Post said, " It depends on Iran"Because we know about the progress of the nuclear program of Iran."

"Now we are in a situation where we wait for the answer. Let's wait," said the German top diplomat about the strategy that needs to be taken against Iran if there is no returning to an agreement.

Late in November last year, the participants in the talks aimed to revive JCPOA with world powers resumed the Vienna talks for the first time under Iran’s new president Ebrahim Raeisi. Since then, Iran has repeatedly emphasized that it seeks a “good agreement” in the Austrian capital.

The talks were launched last April over US President Joe Biden’s pledge to rejoin the JCPOA and rescind Trump’s “failed maximum pressure” campaign. Over a year into his presidency, Biden has failed to re-enter the 2015 deal. Instead, he has kept Trump’s sanctions in place while adding new ones as well.

On Friday, US Secretary of State Antony Blinken restored several sanctions waivers related to the JCPOA.

The so-called “civ-nuke” waivers were ended during the administration of former US President Donald Trump as part of his anti-Iran “maximum pressure” campaign.

Claiming that time for the reaching agreement in Vienna talks is running out, the E3 in a joint statement called on Iran to use US sanctions waiver for the revival of JCPOA.

AFP reported that the European parties in JCPOA talks are urging Iran to use the "opportunity" of the US waiving some sanctions against Iran's peaceful nuclear program in an attempt to persuade Tehran to reach a 2015 nuclear deal.

This is while the Islamic Republic of Iran has always stated that it is seeking a stable and reliable agreement and the US sanctions need to be removed in a verifiable manner.


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