Iran, Russia central banks hold serious talks to cooperate

Iran, Russia central banks hold serious talks to cooperate
Mehr News
Mehr News - June 17th, 2022

Head of Iran’s Trade Promotion Organization (TPO) Alireza Peymanpak, who is also deputy industry minister, made the comments on Friday on a visit to Russia, according to Sputnik Farsi Language.

"The most important issue on our agenda with Russia is the monetary, financial and banking discussions, which could accelerate given the sanctions that have been imposed on the two countries," the TOP head said.

He also said that the central banks of the two countries are in serious negotiations. Soon, the governor of the Central Bank of Iran will visit Russia and they will make good agreements. In addition, we have allowed many Russian trade banks to enter Iran and they are signing brokerage accounts with Iranian banks."

"We are forming a joint financing fund. All of this will definitely help, and it will happen quickly, and the trade balance will increase significantly over the next year or two."

Meanwhile, Press TV reported that Peymanpak on Thursday held talks with a Russian presidential advisor on the sidelines of the SPIEF ( the St.

Petersburg 25th International Economic Forum (SPIEF) ) conference and discussed the expansion of bilateral trade, as well as collaborations in industries such as automobile manufacturing and shipbuilding.

The two sides also discussed the activation of the North-South transport corridor, banking and currency-exchange cooperation, and joint production of goods.

The TPO haed underlined Tehran’s readiness to sign long-term agreements in the field of fruit and vegetable trade in cooperation with commerce chambers in the two countries as part of efforts to expand the volume of exports.

The Russian side, for its part, welcomed the Iranian official’s recommendation to hold joint expos by corporations from the two countries, noting that Russia’s car-making industry is prepared to enter joint ventures with its Iranian counterpart.

Peymanpak earlier stated that Iran and Russia have reached an initial agreement for launching a joint shipbuilding venture in the Caspian Sea region.

According to Press TV, citing the Russian TASS news agency, Iran’s ambassador to Russia Kazem Jalali said at the SPIEF that Tehran regards its ties with Moscow as “a priority” under President Ebrahim Raeisi’s new policy of revitalizing relations with neighboring states.


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