Collapse of economy goal of enemies’ economic war on Iran

Collapse of economy goal of enemies’ economic war on Iran
Mehr News
Mehr News - January 30th, 2022

Speaking in a meeting with a group of the country's manufacturers and officials in the economic and industry sector on Sunday morning in Imam Khomeini Hussainiyyah, Ayatollah Khamenei said, “The goal of the enemies in this war has been the collapse of the Iranian economy; that was their intention. Now, the collapse of the economy was, of course, a prelude in order to set the people against the Islamic Republic by destroying the Iranian economy and to carry out their malicious political intentions in this way."

Referring to his advice to Iranian officials about not tying the country's economy to the results of the Vienna talks, he added, "I always repeat that you should not condition the country's economy and economic activities. Do not pause over something that is not in our hands. We should use our efforts to meet our needs. And thank God we have very good capacities in this regard."

Ayatollah Khamenei hailed Iranian manufacturers, entrepreneurs and workers as officers of the battle against the enemies’ economic war, saying that their work has greatly contributed to Iran’s resistance against the enemy.

“The stronghold of the country’s production and economy, thank God, is alive and well.

You were the division that stood up to the enemy,” the  Leader noted, adding that the manufacturers, entrepreneurs, and workers were all involved in the victory against the enemy’s economic pressure.


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