PastoCoVac joins Iran's general vaccination campaign

PastoCoVac joins Iran's general vaccination campaign
Mehr News
Mehr News - October 5th, 2021

"The PastoCoVac vaccine was produced and quarantined for 14 days, and today the first batch of 6 million doses of the PastoCoVac vaccine was released and distributed," Head of Food and Drug Administration of the Islamic Republic of Iran (IFDA) Mohammadreza Shanesaz said on Monday afternoon.

Shanesaz added, "So far, we have received 6 million doses of PastoCoVac vaccine and we hope this volume will increase and the increase in production is subject to the agreement between the Pasteur Institute of Iran and the Finlay Institute of Cuba and they have promised to increase production."

"In the month of Aban (October 23 to November 21), according to anticipations, we will receive 10 million doses of Pastococcus vaccine, some of which are produced jointly in Iran and Finlay and some fully produced in Iran."

The health official added it will take 2 weeks for IFDA to approve the quality of the produced vaccines.


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