Russia, China complete Naval Interaction exercise

Russia, China complete Naval Interaction exercise
Mehr News
Mehr News - December 28th, 2022

"Naval task forces of the [Russian] Pacific Fleet and the Chinese People's Liberation Army Navy have completed their tasks for the bilateral ‘Naval Interaction’ exercise in the East China Sea," the ministry said.

During the drills, Russian and Chinese crews performed an operation to free a seized vessel and practiced maritime search and rescue efforts. They also carried out a communications exercise, TASS reported.

Besides, ships from the two countries, supported by anti-submarine aircraft, have located a notional enemy’s submarine and destroyed it with rocket-propelled depth charges.

They also live-fired artillery rounds at a target imitating a surface ship and used anti-aircraft missiles against aerial targets.

"Overall, more than 10 combat exercises were held during the drills," the Russian Defense Ministry said.

The Joint Sea 2022 Russia-China naval maneuvers ran in the East China Sea on December 21-27. The Russian naval group was headed by the Pacific Fleet flagship, Order of Nakhimov Guards missile cruiser Varyag, while the Chinese taskforce was led by the destroyer Jinan.

The Russian warships participating in the Joint Sea 2022 exercise also included the frigate Marshal Shaposhnikov, the Project 20380 corvettes Hero of the Russian Federation Aldar Tsydenzhapov and Sovershenny.

The Chinese naval taskforce was represented by the destroyers Jinan and Baotou, the frigates Binzhou and Yancheng, a comprehensive supply ship and a diesel submarine.


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