US senators call for imposing sanctions on Iran's oil export

US senators call for imposing sanctions on Iran's oil export
Mehr News
Mehr News - January 30th, 2022

Senator Tom Cotton (R-Arkansas) and nine of his Senate colleagues sent the letter to President Joe Biden demanding that he enforce mandatory sanctions against the growing fleet of oil tankers selling Iranian oil and against the entities purchasing this oil, Public Now reported.

The senators urged Biden to enforce sanctions against entities that purchase Iranian oil and against those foreign-flagged oil tankers which keep Iran's oil trade alive.

"We would also remind you that sanctions against Iran's oil exports are mandatory and passed Congress with bipartisan majorities, they claimed, adding, "You are not above the law and must stop violating it."

The 2015 deal, more formally known as the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA), was signed by the five permanent members of the UN Security Council — the US, the UK, China, Russia, and France — plus Germany and the EU.

Despite the International Atomic Energy Agency's acknowledgment of Iran's adherence to all of its obligations, the US government unilaterally withdrew from the agreement in May 2018.

The US government has imposed sanctions under various pretexts in line with its hostile goals against Iran and the advancement of its economic war against Iran.

The new US president Joe Biden has admitted that Trump's maximum pressure campaign against Iran has failed and promised to return to the deal soon.

But he has not yet fulfilled the promises he made during his presidential elections campaigns to undo Trump's actions.

In the meantime, Tehran has also stressed that the Biden administration's return to the agreement without removing the sanctions is not important at all.


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