JCPOA members woking on which US sanctions would lift: China

JCPOA members woking on which US sanctions would lift: China
Mehr News
Mehr News - April 17th, 2021

Talks aimed at salvaging the Iran nuclear deal will continue and all remaining parties to the accord have agreed to accelerate work on issues including which sanctions the United States would lift, China's envoy to the negotiations said on Saturday, as Reuters reported.

"All parties have agreed to further pick up their pace in subsequent days by engaging (in) more extensive, substantive work on sanctions-lifting as well as other relevant issues," China's ambassador to the UN nuclear watchdog, Wang Qun, told reporters after a meeting of the remaining parties to the 2015 deal.

Wang, the only envoy who regularly speaks to reporters outside the talks, said remaining parties to the deal - China, Russia, France, Britain, Germany, and Iran - had resumed "productive and constructive work" over the past two days.

"In the next few days we hope the Joint Commission will immediately start negotiating the specific formula of sanction-lifting," he added, using the term for formal meetings of those parties.

The second round of talks began on Thursday in the basement of a hotel in Vienna. Negotiators are working on steps both sides must take, on sanctions and nuclear activities, to return to full compliance.


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