IAEA must stop infiltration of Iran enemies in its operations

IAEA must stop infiltration of Iran enemies in its operations
Mehr News
Mehr News - June 8th, 2022

Mohammad Eslami, the head of the Atomic Energy Organization of Iran (AEOI), said in an interview with Al Jazeera on Monday that the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) needs to put a stop to “infiltration by Iran’s enemies” in its operations.

“How is it possible that confidential reports of an international organization are published in the media even before the official recipients read them?” he said in reference to IAEA reports detailing Iran’s nuclear program that are regularly leaked to Western media.

Eslami said Iran has provided “accurate” answers, and that the IAEA has so far lacked the “will” required to declare Iran’s answers convincing.

Eslami added that the probes were based on “fake documents and accounts” provided by Iran’s enemies, led by the Zionist regime and that Iran had offered its voluntary cooperation.

The nuclear chief added that the agency’s focus on Iran was discriminatory, as Iran accounted for only a small amount of global nuclear activity, but had to undergo what he said was over a quarter of all agency monitoring activity, which amounts to hundreds of inspections per year.

Eslami criticized a trip last week by the IAEA’s director general Rafael Grossi to Occupied Lands.

Eslami also responded to Zionist Prime Minister Naftali Bennett, who had said that Israel reserved the right for “self-defence” should the IAEA’s diplomacy with Iran fail.

“This is the culture that’s dominant now and these interferences have shown a clear movement against the Islamic Republic of Iran.”


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