US operation in Syria leaves 13 killed, incl. women, kids

US operation in Syria leaves 13 killed, incl. women, kids
Mehr News
Mehr News - February 3rd, 2022

US coalition helicopters on late Wednesday carried out a heliborne operation on the northern outskirts of the Syrian province of Idlib, which led to killing at least ten people, including seven children, Al Jazeera reported.

Reuters quoted some Syrian opposition sources as claiming that an al-Qaeda member had been targeted in the attack, without specifying his identity or saying his current status.

Al-Araby Al-Jadeed also confirmed the US-led heliborne operation, quoting local sources and eyewitnesses, as saying that during the airstrike against a two-storey residential building, nine people, including three children and a woman, were killed.

According to the reports, the operation lasted three hours, after which the coalition helicopters entered the Turkish territory, and their drones retargeted the area.

US coalition helicopters surrounded a residential area in the Atmeh area in Idlib province, demanding the house members surrender.

Eyewitnesses say that seven coalition helicopters took off from the Badh Rajbana base and crossed the Euphrates Shield area from Jarabulus to the site of the operation.

According to eyewitnesses, at the same time as the siege of the house, coalition F-16 fighter jets were flying over the area, and there was heavy fighting between coalition forces and gunmen, which might have led to killing them.

The purpose of this operation is not still clear.


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