Heads of Judiciary, Parl. can register as pres. candidates

Heads of Judiciary, Parl. can register as pres. candidates
Mehr News
Mehr News - March 13th, 2021

The official held a press conference on Saturday and answered questions regarding different issues, including the upcoming presidential election.

Asked whether heads of the Judiciary and Legislative branches should hand in resignation before the election if they wish to compete, Khadkhodaei said “The law has not set such a ban and only those who are directly responsible for the execution of and monitoring on the election should resign before registering their candidacy.”

He also noted that there is no legal ban on the registration of candidates who have a military background as such figures had participated in previous elections.

“Of course, the intervention of the military forces in the election i.e. showing a political bias is against the general policies of the election and banned.”

Referring to the COVID-19 pandemic, the spokesman said meetings have already been held between Guardian Council and Interior Ministry on related issues. He said that the number of polling stations has increased by 15% as a measure to avoid crowds.

Iran’s Presidential election will be held on June 18, 2021.

MAH/ 5168227

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