Tuesday's meeting of working group on removal of sanctions

Tuesday's meeting of working group on removal of sanctions
Mehr News
Mehr News - December 2nd, 2021

After the logical insistence of the Iranian diplomatic delegation to put the issue of the removal of the sanctions atop the agenda of the Vienna talks, the working group formed exclusively to deal with the removal of US sanctions against Iran held a meeting at the expert level on Tuesday.

In the meeting, the Iranian delegation insisted on the determination of the Islamic Republic of Iran to achieve results.

At the working group's meeting, Iran presented its demands in a listed and clear manner and advised other delegations to actively and constructively present solutions and proposals.

It is also reported that the other delegations, especially those of Russia and China, hailed Tehran's pragmatic approach and the clear way of presenting its demands.

The representatives of the Islamic Republic of Iran reiterated to the other delegations that the previous rounds of talks were just drafts that needed to be negotiated over again.

One of the important points that was brought up by Iran at the meeting was that anything that violated the JCPOA goal that is "Normalizing Iran's economic and trade relations with the world" must be removed.

Iran stressed that the two issues of sanctions and nuclear commitments must not be insisted on in parallel to each other, meaning that it is necessary to first logically resolve the issue of sanctions, which was the result of US action as a party to the deal.

Tuesday's meeting was also held in a professional atmosphere, and finally, despite differences in opinion, everyone expressed their readiness and seriousness towards the removal of the sanctions and vow to interact with each other on the matter.


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