US forces applying new method to steal Syrian oil

US forces applying new method to steal Syrian oil
Mehr News
Mehr News - December 20th, 2020

The official Syrian news agency SANA published a new report on the plunder of the country's oil, announcing that the US occupiers, in collaboration with the Qasad (Syrian Democratic Forces) militias, continue to steal Syrian crude oil from Al Jazeera oil fields on a daily basis and have recently expanded pipelines crossing the Tigris River from the Semalka region to Iraqi territory.

According to local sources in Al-Malikiyah region, the US occupiers have resumed stealing tens of barrels of Syrian crude oil daily through 10-inch oil pipelines that have been constructed from Syrian territory in the Semalka region to Iraqi territory.

The oil is first transported by tanker from the Karachuk oil field in the northeastern region of Rmelan to the Semalka oil reservoirs, and after being discharged, it is pumped to Iraq through pipelines crossing the Tigris River.

According to these sources, the Americans are pumping hundreds of barrels of stolen Syrian crude oil through these pipelines to Iraq every day. In addition, dozens of tankers carrying crude oil are transported to Iraq on a weekly basis through illegal crossings, such as the illegal Al-Waleed border crossing.

The United States continues to deploy more troops around Syria's oil fields to steal it and deprive its people of this national asset, the report added.

Three days ago, the Syrian newspaper Al Watan announced the US occupiers transported 70 trucks carrying smuggled Syrian oil through the Hamza Beik border crossing on the Syrian-Iraqi border.

The sources also said that another convoy of 50 oil tankers belonging to the US military left the town of Rmelan in Al Hasakah province in northeastern Syria.

According to the sources, the tankers entered Iraq through the illegal Al-Waleed crossing after transporting oil from US-occupied wells in Rmelan.


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