Traditional wrestling of Ba Choukhe in N Khorasan

Mehr News - April 1st, 2022

Wrestling is the most popular sport in Iran with many local variations and styles. 'Ba Choukhe' or 'Cuxe' wrestling is one of the most ancient and most popular sports in Iran. First appearing in the vast Iranian northeastern province of Khorasan over time the sport's popularity gradually and steadily spread southward becoming common throughout Khorasan.

Today, Ba Choukhe maintains a cultural richness and significance to the peoples of Khorasan and the country of Iran evidenced every year as tens of thousands interested spectators converge on the city of Esfrayen to watch participants battle in a style of wrestling known for its powerful throws and leg trips.

The word 'Cuxe' means woolen garment, and the uniform of Ba Choukhe wrestlers is called “Choke” which is short mantle wrestlers fasten it tightly with a white colour shawl.

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