Biden reiterates claim on JCPOA return at UNGA meeting

No ministers’ meeting to be held on JCPOA at UNGA : Borrell
Mehr News
Mehr News - September 21st, 2021

"The US remains committed to preventing Iran from gaining nuclear weapons," The US president said at the UN General Assembly meeting on Tuesday.

Biden went on to claim, "We are working with P5+1 to engage with Iran diplomatically and seek a return to the JCPOA."

"We seek a return to the JCPOA. We are prepared to return to full compliance if Iran does the same," the US president said.

The US president's claims come at a time when his administration has not returned to the JCPOA in contradiction to his promises during the 2020 elections campaigns.

Meanwhile, the US is not a JCPOA participant anymore after its exit from the deal in May 2018, so the Vienna talks on reviving the JCPOA were held just between Iran and the remaining parties known as the P4+1, in sharp contrast to Biden's claim on the existence of the P5+1.

In the past six rounds of the Vienna talks, Iran has demanded the removal of all the illegal US sanctions, a demand that has fallen on the deaf ears so far.

Iran has also vowed that it will return to full compliance with the JCPOA if the US lifts the sanctions and the Western powers abide by their own share of commitments.

Meanwhile, the Iranian parliament has passed a piece of legislation, tasking the Iranian nuclear agency (AEOI) to suspend the Additional Protocol and limit IAEA access to its peaceful nuclear program while advancing the nuclear activities in a bid to make the Western powers force Washington to lift the anti-Iran sanctions and defend the Iranian nation's rights.


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