UK may declare drought in Aug. due to severe heatwave

UK may declare drought in Aug. due to severe heatwave
Mehr News
Mehr News - July 25th, 2022

Hosepipe bans for households could be brought in across the UK and farmers could be restricted from irrigating their crops if the government implements a drought plan.

On Tuesday, the National Drought Group, made up of government departments and affected groups, will meet to discuss a strategy to deal with the very dry conditions faced by England. Other countries in the UK are also discussing responses to the potential drought, The Guardian reported.

The meeting had been supposed to take place in October to plan for 2023, but conditions have become so dry that it has been brought forward.

Last week’s record-breaking heatwave baked the soil, leading farmers to increase irrigation for crops and increasing the rate of evaporation from waterways.

Farmers could be banned from watering their crops in the crucial period of August and September, with root vegetables such as potatoes under particular threat. Crops could fail through lack of water, and dry soil can make harvesting difficult.

Minette Batters, the president of the National Farmers’ Union, said, “We don’t have time to waste. The situation with water is very, very serious for growers – there are implications for costs and crop viability.”

Growers could face huge costs if their crop yields fall owing to the dry conditions, and many have already signed contracts with supermarkets and other suppliers, meaning they may have to shoulder these costs alone.


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