Iran missiles pose multi-layered threat against Tel Aviv

Iran missiles pose multi-layered threat against Tel Aviv
Mehr News
Mehr News - May 27th, 2023

A report by the Israeli regime Jpost newspaper has put the spotlight on the threats that the Iranian missiles pose to the Tel Aviv regime.

The report was a reaction to the successful test-fire of the precision-guided Khorramshahr-4 or Kheibar long-range ballistic missile on Friday, which revealed the growing threat that Iran’s missiles pose to the regime

Jpost further noted that "Iran has been developing missiles since the 1980s, and today the country continues to increase the range and precision of its missiles."

It added that "It (Iran) also continues to work with both liquid and solid-fueled missiles. Iran also continues to work on missiles that can launch satellites and it is working on cruise missiles and precision-guided munitions. What this essentially means is that Iran has a plethora of options when it comes to fielding weapons that can threaten Israel, the US etc..."

The newspaper further gave details about Iran's missile and their different ranges, confirming a previous announcement by the Iranian military that the Khorramshahr-4 has a range of more than 2,000 km.

The report further described the Iranian missiles as a multi-layered threat, claiming that Iran is handing over its missile to its allies, namely Palestinian Resistance groups and Hezbollah in the region.

At the end of the report, it said that what Iran recently said about the speed of missiles and their capability to infiltrate the enemy's radar system as well as Tehran's skills in electronic warfare should be taken seriously.

MNA/FNA14020306000457; PR

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