Ukrainians fallen victim to US proactive policies in world

Ukrainians fallen victim to US proactive policies in world
Mehr News
Mehr News - March 5th, 2022

Sheikh Ali Dammoush blamed the US government for what is happening in Ukraine, saying that it was the US that planned, provoked, and pressured the crisis.

Saying that Ukraine has fallen victim to the United States' policy of escalating tensions in the world, Dammoush said that the lesson must be learned is that US support for its allies is a mirage, not a truth.

The presidents of Ukraine and the former President of Afghanistan, who had trusted the Americans, acknowledge that the United States has left them alone.

Elsewhere in his remarks, he criticized racist behaviors of the US and European countries toward Black people despite their human rights claims and concerns.

Referring to the double standards of the West in the face of global crises, he said that Westerners oppose the Ukraine war, but they keep silent towards crimes committed by the United States and Saudi Arabia against people in Yemen, Syria, and Afghanistan.

According to Dammoush, Hezbullah condemns war, aggression, killing, occupation, and destruction in any part of the world.


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