Iran to respond to any unconstructive measure in BoG

Iran to respond to any unconstructive measure in BoG
Mehr News
Mehr News - June 1st, 2022

In reaction to the French Foreign Ministry's stance, citing a new report by the International Atomic Energy Agency,  Saeed Khatibzadeh said, "As announced before, although the IAEA new report does not reflect the truth about Iran's negotiations with this international body, such hasty and politically oriented comments which fully ignore the Islamic Republic of Iran's extensive and constructive technical cooperation with the IAEA are meddlesome and worthless."

"We are well aware of the nature of such statements and actions that are being taken in order to carry out psychological operations and to put pressure on the Islamic Republic of Iran ahead of the meetings of the IAEA Board of Governors. Of course, the coincidence of such statements with the recent movements of the Zionist regime highlights the regime's footprint on them more than ever," he added.

The spokesman underlined, "As we have always advised the Agency to remain faithful to the technical cooperation, we also advise countries such as France to refrain from taking positions and interventions that would cause the cooperation to deviate from its right path and instead, live up to their safeguards commitment to nuclear disarmament and to hold accountable Israel's apartheid regime, which has hundreds of nuclear warheads."

"Iran's nuclear program is entirely peaceful, and we will naturally respond firmly and appropriately to any unconstructive action in the Board of Governors," the Iranian senior diplomat said, adding that those who view the Board of Governors and the Director-General's report as leverage and tools of political games against Iran are responsible for the consequences.

After the contents of an IAEA report on Iranian nuclear activities allegedly leaked to the media on Monday, the French Foreign Ministry called Iran to answer the IAEA questions in a Tuesday meddlesome statement.

France's foreign ministry on Thursday urged Iran to answer questions immediately from the International Atomic Energy Agency about its past nuclear activities.

Also In this regard, Chinese foreign ministry spokesperson Zhao Lijian told a news press conference on Tuesday that Beijing was supporting IAEA and Iran in their attempt to resolve all remaining issues related to the safeguards through dialogue and consultation.

Meanwhile, Russia's Permanent Representative to the Vienna-based International Organizations Ulyanov in a tweet on Tuesday wrote that the leak of the IAEA report on Iran was an unnecessary move which sparks speculations before and during the meeting of the IAEA Board of Governors next week.


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