JCPOA modifications must be done in favor of Iran if needed

JCPOA modifications must be done in favor of Iran if needed
Mehr News
Mehr News - March 21st, 2021

Ayatollah Seyyed Ali Khamenei made the remarks in a televised speech on the occasion of Nowruz on Sunday afternoon.

He initially underlined the vitality of an increase in domestic production, naming petrochemical and steel sectors as the sectors witnessing a leap in production in the past Iranian year 1399.

He also noted that both the Iranian government and the nation are in charge to remove obstacles in the way of boosting production.

The Leader also underlined the vitality of the fight against financial corruption in the country via modifying the banking system, for instance.

He added that the Iranian economy has the capacity to be among the regional and international prosperous economies.

Ayatollah Khamenei said that despite the tough sanctions, the World Bank ranks the Iranian economy as the 18th among world countries and the country can improve up to six ranks in the future.

He named the Iranian young workforce, available infrastructure, as well as natural resources and mines as the assets to create added value for the country, in case of sketching plans and proper management.

He added that Iran's economic progress can be achieved no matter sanctions stay in place or not by cooperation between the establishment and the nation.

Ayatollah Khamenei also addressed the issue of US sanctions. He named sanctions as a crime against world countries, that impedes countries from importing medicine and other requirements.

"Such crimes can only be done by the US," he said, "Sanctions, however, have some advantages for Iran."

"Iranian youths have been able to change the sanctions and their threats into opportunities for creating technology in the country and make the country independent from foreign countries and the global arrogance," the Leader said.

He noted that Iranians could manage to neutralize sanctions.

The Leader said that Iran could handle its fight against Covid-19 standing on its own feet via domestically producing facial masks, detergents as well as the coronavirus vaccine.

He also named production in the defense sector and the nano-sector and writing scientific articles as the fields in which Iran has been able to improve dramatically in recent years.

The Leader called for the Iranian officials not to wait for the sanctions removal. He noted that Iran must do its job without paying attention to the sanctions.

Addressing the upcoming Presidential elections in Iran, the Leader said, the elections will be a threshold for renewal and renovation in the country.

He added that the nation's participation in the elections will prove Iran's national authority, which will send implicit messages to both enemies and friends about the authority of Iran.

The Leader informed that the intelligence and espionage services of some countries, in particular, the Zionist regime has been trying to make the Iranian nation hopeless from participating in the elections, especially via social media.

"He noted that Iran must do its job without paying attention to the sanctions.Addressing the upcoming Presidential elections in Iran, the Leader said, the elections will be a threshold for renewal and renovation in the country"

He added that enemies are trying their best to reduce Iranians' participation in the Presidential elections.

Ayatollah Khamenei also underscored the significant role of the President in controlling and managing the country.

He advised the Presidential candidates to pay attention to the heavy responsibility they have, to be fully aware of the current issues of the country, and to have solutions for such issues.

He required them to pay specific attention to economic issues such as the inflation rate and reinforcement of national currency. He also asked them to be ready to deal with foreign political issues as well as cultural ones.

The Leader also advised the Iranian nation to be careful about their choice in the upcoming elections and regard the elections as a means to make the country united and integrated against the enemies.

He elsewhere in his remarks said the US maximum pressure against Iran has been failed.

"That idiot [Trump] wanted to put Iran in a weak stance and then impose its interests on Iran," he said.

"If the new US administration wants to dictate its maximum pressure against, it will face another failure, for sure." 

He underlined that the Americans must remove all and every sanctions and Iran will check their measures and will then step back to its obligations.

The Leader noted that today the situation has changed in favor of Iran thanks to its improvements in various sectors but the US conditions are much worse than five to six years ago.

"If the JCPOA needs any modifications, they must be done in favor of Iran, not the US," he said.

The Leader noted that there is no hurry regarding the JCPOA issue.

"We trusted the Obama administration and made our commitments but the US did not so," he added.

"We do not believe in Americans," he said.

"Americans made a big mistake about Iran," he added.

He also censured the US policies about Syria, Palestine, and Yemen and its cooperation with the Zionist regime.

"The Islamic Ummah will never forget the aggression against Yemen and Palestine," he said.

"Saudi started its aggression against Yemen with the US green light," he noted.

He asked the Americans, "Do you know in what a predicament you have put Saudi Arabia in? Saudis can not go back or forward in Yemen.

This is what you have done to your allies"

The Leader underlined that Americans know nothing about the region and its issues.


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