Headlines of Iran’s Persian dailies on Dec. 14

Headlines of Iran’s Persian dailies on Dec. 14
Mehr News
Mehr News - December 14th, 2022


IRGC navy commander: "Iran has missiles that enemies cannot even think of"

Compensation for Xi's stances in Riadh is Iran's serious demand, Raeisi says

Chinese Deputy PM: China recognizes Iran's sovereignty, Iran's interests


Raeisi: Iran's serious demand of China is to compensate for its stances in Riadh

Jam-e Jam:

Iran's energy diplomacy defeats sanctions


First steps for implementation of Iran-China 25-year coop. doc.


Compensation, Tehran's serious demand of Beijig 


Armenia says it would not allow any country to use its soil for corridors

Arman-e Melli:

Pres. Raeisi calls on Chinese side to compensate for its stances in Riadh


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