Liberation of Khorramshahr ‘miracle of Islamic Revolution’

Liberation of Khorramshahr ‘miracle of Islamic Revolution’
Mehr News
Mehr News - May 27th, 2022

Speaking during this week’s Friday prayers, held at the campus of University of Tehran, the interior Friday prayers leader said that Khorramshahr was under siege and occupation of enemy for 575 days and resistance, perseverance and self-sacrifice of combatants of Islam led to the liberation of Khorramshahr.

People of the country under the wise leadership of Islamic Revolution, the late Imam Khomeini (RA) managed to defuse plots and conspiracies of enemy during the eight years of Sacred Defense (Iraqi imposed war against Iran in 1980-1988), Ayatollah Sedighi added.

Conquest of Khorramshahr was a great honor that the God Almighty bestowed it to the noble nation of Islamic Iran, he said and quoted the late founding father of the Islamic Revolution Imam Khomeini (RA) who said that God liberated Khorramshahr.

The enemies of the country left no stone unturned to tarnish the real image of the country in international arenas since the glorious victory of the Islamic Revolution in 1979 but all their malicious plots were foiled by the people of the country under the wise leadership of the Islamic Revolution, he highlighted.

Elsewhere in his remarks, the senior cleric pointed to the economic problems overshadowing the country and called on government officials to take giant strides in line with settling problems facing people of the country.

Ayatollah Sedighi seized this opportunity to congratulate the 22nd anniversary of victory of Lebanese Hezbollah Resistance Movement to the people and Secretary-General of Hezbollah Sayyid Hassan Nasrallah.


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