Independence, self-reliance salient achievements of IR

Independence, self-reliance salient achievements of IR
Mehr News
Mehr News - January 30th, 2022

Speaking at the 2nd Conference of Statement of Second Phase of Revolution, held at the venue of Imam Ali Officers’ University of Army Ground Forces on Saturday, Brigadier General Mohammad Akraminia the Deputy Coordinator Army Ideological-Political Organization said that independence, spirit of self-confidence and self-reliance, challenging the West and thwarting US plots in the region are of the salient achievements of the Islamic Revolution.

He went on to say that Islamic Republic of Iran experienced many ups and down after the glorious victory of the Islamic Revolution in 1979, adding that the country, under the wise leadership of the Islamic Revolution, managed to thwart all plots and conspiracies waged by enemies against the Islamic Revolution successfully.

In recent years, Islamic Revolution has introduced and institutionalized a new model of resistance and defense against threats of enemies, which is very influential and effective with transnational and transnational characteristics and could create deterrence against enemies, he underlined.

Elsewhere in his remarks, he pointed to the salient achievements of the Islamic Revolution and reiterated, “After the elapse of more than four decades, Islamic Revolution has adhered to its principles and has brought about security, peace and stability in the country in every arena.”

Benefited from expert talents and manpower, Islamic Republic of Iran has presently managed to reach the apex of scientific progress and new technologies in the international arenas.

Independence, spirit of self-credence and self-reliance, challenging against the West and neutralization of US malicious plots in the region are of the other achievements of the Islamic Revolution of Iran, Brigadier General Akraminia added.


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