Iran FM expresses hope for end of Yemeni crisis

Iran FM expresses hope for end of Yemeni crisis
Mehr News
Mehr News - December 27th, 2021

Hossein Amir-Abdollahian made the remarks on Monday in his meeting with Omani Deputy Foreign Minister Sheikh Khalifa Al Harthy who has traveled to Tehran to participate in the meeting of the Joint Strategic Consultation Committee.

During the meeting, the Iranian Foreign Minister said that the expansion of Iran’s relations with neighboring countries is the priority of the Iranian president’s foreign policy, adding that Oman has a special place in Iran's foreign policy.

Amir-Abdollahian also emphasized the need for the two sides to make effort to enhance bilateral and trade relations.

He said that Iran is committed to negotiations and adopting political solutions for the bilateral and regional problems, expressing Iran’s readiness for negotiations with regional countries to promote bilateral relations.

Iran’s top diplomat expressed hope that with the efforts of all countries in the region, especially Iran and Oman, the necessary ground will be prepared for the end of the Yemeni crisis.

Al Harthy, for his part, expressed hope that the Yemeni crisis would end as soon as possible, adding that his country welcomes and supports peaceful ways to reduce regional problems.


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Mehr News - December 27th, 2021