After China, Iran seeks signing accord with Russia: MP

After China, Iran seeks signing accord with Russia: MP
Mehr News
Mehr News - March 29th, 2021

Speaking to Mehr News Agency, Chairman of the Iranian Parliament's National Security and Foreign Policy Committee Mojtaba Zonnour "One of the most important ways to neutralize US sanctions against the Islamic Republic of Iran is for us to have long-term relations with major powers and countries, as well as with neighboring countries in additon to countries in the region on a large scale."

Zonnour said, "The strategic document that was prepared and signed between Iran and China is in fact a long-term roadmap that ensures the two parties to make investments."

The Chairman of the Iranian Parliament's National Security and Foreign Policy Committee added "For example, if the Chinese want to build a refinery that feeds on Iranian oil and is compatible with our oil, it requires a long-term contract, and if there is no long-term contract, of course, China does not make this investment."

The senior MP continued "In addition to China, the Islamic Republic of Iran seeks to conclude long-term and strategic documents with Russia that will strengthen bilateral economic interactions and pave the way for joint activities."

Zonnour went on to say, "We are looking for joint cooperation and bilateral interaction with these countries in the field of rail services, roads, refineries, petrochemicals, automobiles, oil, gas, gasoline, environment and knowledge-based companies because this can play a very effective role in neutralizing foreign sanctions." 

He said, "Strategic cooperation between Iran and China is in fact a roadmap and the National Security and Foreign Policy Committee of the parliament will invite the Minister of Foreign Affairs to attend the parliament or the Committee to provide the necessary explanations in this regard to the lawmakers." 

The senior lawmaker also said, "The parliament should review the strategic document between Iran and China, because according to the constitution if there is an obligation to our country in international treaties and agreements with other countries, it must be approved by the parliament."

He further explained, "Such documents are, in fact, roadmaps, and in order to implement these documents, normally, several contracts are concluded between the executive bodies, subsequently, the parliament must have its supervisory role on these contracts. It must be careful to make sure that no interests of our nation are neglected."

He stressed: "What is important is that the establishment's approach to signing long-term strategic documents is quite positive, and naturally the necessary measures should be taken to strengthen this cooperation."


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