Tehran, Baku can create business,transportation opportunities

Tehran, Baku can create business,transportation opportunities
Mehr News
Mehr News - February 26th, 2021

Today in his press conference with foreign media in Baku, Ilham Aliyev President of the Republic of Azerbaijan answered questions of journalists from different countries on various issues.

Answering a question on the prospect of Tehran-Baku ties and Iran’s participation in the reconstruction of Karabakh and the significance of the two countries' cooperation in stabilizing the region and prosperity of the people of the region, Azeri President said that Baku has close and clear cooperation with Iran.

He noted that he knows that Iranian companies are ready to take part in the restoration of the war-torn areas, adding that recently a high-ranking Azeri delegation has visited Iran to discuss the issue of cooperation between Iran and Azerbaijan including the Khodaafarin project in the border area of the two countries.

He further stressed that Azerbaijan is ready to cooperate with Iran and has allocated the required budget for the projects.

Referring to his visit to border areas between Iran and his country, the Azeri President said that he himself has visited the area and believes that Tehran and Baku can create a lot of business and transportation opportunities.

He also referred to Zangezur Corridor and said that the corridor can also be useful for Iran and the Iranian side can use it.

It is noteworthy that following a question by Mehr News correspondent about some reports on the presence of some terrorist groups in the region during the 44-day war in the region, President Aliyev criticized Mehr News correspondent’s question and rejected the issue of the presence of the terrorist groups and said this is an accusation and our brave forces liberated the occupied territories themselves.

After the President’s criticizes, Mehr News correspondent gave some explanations of her question and misunderstanding and said, “I meant some reports on the presence of some terrorist groups like the ones affiliated to ISIL and other terrorist groups in the region.”  

When the Azeri President asked for the name of the countries that reports came from, Mehr correspondent said that she prefers not to name certain countries.

After her explanation, the Azeri President thanked her for clarification.

Interview by Zahra Zafarjuyan

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