Let's help people of Afghanistan

Let's help people of Afghanistan
Mehr News
Mehr News - December 18th, 2021

The seizure of Afghanistan's national assets in the United States on the pretext of not recognizing the Taliban and imposing heavy economic sanctions on Kabul was apparently not enough to harass the Afghan people, and with the US sabotage, the World Bank refused to release $ 500 million. World Bank officials have only promised $ 280 million in humanitarian aid to Afghans, but it is unclear how that promise will be implemented.

Under the pretext of a UN Security Council resolution, the United States has imposed sanctions on the Taliban, the negative effects of which have directly targeted the Afghan people. Humanitarian aid to prevent harm to the people must be exempt from international sanctions.

Today, the people of Afghanistan are in the most critical living and welfare situation in the last 40 years, and reports from international organizations indicate that the situation of millions of Afghans is deteriorating. Millions of Afghans, especially children, are expected to die if global aid is not sent. Afghanistan's domestic media reports of a significant increase in kidney sales due to poverty and unemployment in various parts of Afghanistan and advertisements for the sale of body organs have been posted on the streets of Afghanistan.

According to the Child Protection Association, Afghanistan is one of the 10 most dangerous countries for children, and the number of children without access to adequate food has increased to 3.3 million, and 14 million children will face severe hunger in the winter.

There is no doubt that a large part of this situation is due to the inefficiency of the Taliban, but we can not be as indifferent to the humanitarian catastrophe in Afghanistan as the United States.

The meeting of the Foreign Ministers of the OIC member states on Afghanistan is scheduled for Sunday, December 19th, in Islamabad, the capital of Pakistan.

"The seizure of Afghanistan's national assets in the United States on the pretext of not recognizing the Taliban and imposing heavy economic sanctions on Kabul was apparently not enough to harass the Afghan people, and with the US sabotage, the World Bank refused to release $ 500 million"In addition to the foreign ministers of the OIC member states, representatives from countries such as Russia, China, the European Union, the United States and the United Kingdom, as well as international aid agencies, have been invited to the meeting. The purpose of this meeting is to examine the economic crisis and the difficult humanitarian situation in Afghanistan and how to support the people of this country. The OIC initiative to persuade the international community to help Afghanistan is a positive and constructive step, and the help of Muslim countries can take the people of Afghanistan out of the current situation, at least temporarily.

At the same time, care must be taken that the main theme of the summit, which is to help the people of Afghanistan, is not overshadowed by the issue of recognizing Taliban rule. Attracting regional and global assistance to contain the ongoing humanitarian crisis in Afghanistan should be the main goal of the Islamabad summit, and the issue of identifying the fledgling Taliban government, which is the goal of some members of the Organization of Islamic Cooperation, should not be a priority.

The Islamic Republic of Iran, which throughout history has always supported the people of Afghanistan and shared their sorrows and joys, also has a heavy responsibility at this time. Iran's representatives in this summit can, in consultation with other Muslim and friendly countries, convince them of maximum and immediate assistance to the people of Afghanistan and present and approve their executive plans in this regard.


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