Palestinians call for expulsion of Zionists from AU

Palestinians call for expulsion of Zionists from AU
Mehr News
Mehr News - February 5th, 2022

Palestinian groups called on Arab and African countries attending the African Union (AU) summit that is slated for Saturday to revoke the Zionist regime's membership in the union, Palestine Al Yaum reported.

In a statement issued on Saturday, the Hamas movement urged AU members to oppose the Zionist regime's membership in the African Union.

Hamas announced that the membership of the Zionist regime even as an observer is an obvious violation of the African Union's Human Rights Charter and its principles and values, which emphasizes the fight against racism and the necessity of ending colonialism and realizing the right to self-determination of nations.

The Fatah movement also called on African countries to expel the Zionist regime from the union and to establish the principles of solidarity between nations.

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Mehr News - February 5th, 2022