Recent drills showcased Iran’s defense might: Top General

Recent drills showcased Iran’s defense might: Top General
Mehr News
Mehr News - January 25th, 2021

Major General Mohamad Bagheri said on Monday, "Over the past two months, the Islamic Republic of Iran has faced threats in which the foolish former US President made against the Islamic Republic's sacred system."

He continued that "Trump, who could take any action, made some efforts that made it necessary for the Iranian Armed Forces to demonstrate their preparations; therefore, they conducted 10 military exercises only within 15 days."

"In fact, these exercises showed the strength and readiness of the Islamic Republic's Armed Forces to the world and the enemies and warmed the hearts of the Iranian nation and made the enemies hopeless."

"The enemy has repeatedly stated during various exercises that it has no intention of attacking, and its actions are purely defensive and that it is concerned about the actions of the allies of the Islamic Republic on the anniversary of the martyrdom of Lt. Gen. Soleimani," he added.


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